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aimg videogen

AI generate a video from an image


aimg videogen --start-image assets/rocket-wide.png


aimg videogen [OPTIONS]


  --start-image TEXT              Input path for image file.
  --num-frames INTEGER            Number of frames.
  -s, --steps INTEGER             Number of diffusion steps.
  --model TEXT                    Model to use. One of: svd, svd-xt, svd-
                                  image-decoder, svd-xt-image-decoder
  --fps INTEGER                   FPS for the AI to target when generating
  --size TEXT                     Video dimensions. Can be a named size,
                                  single integer, or WIDTHxHEIGHT pair. Should
                                  be multiple of 8. Examples: SVD, 512x512,
                                  4k, UHD, 8k, 512, 1080p  [default: 1024,576]
  --output-fps INTEGER            FPS for the output video
  --output-format [webp|mp4|gif]  Output video format
  --motion-amount INTEGER         How much motion to generate. value between 0
                                  and 255.
  -r, --repeats INTEGER           How many times to repeat the renders.
                                  [default: 1]
  --cond-aug FLOAT                Conditional augmentation.
  --seed INTEGER                  Seed for random number generator.
  --decoding_t INTEGER            Number of frames decoded at a time.
  --output_folder TEXT            Output folder.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.