ImaginAIry 🤖🧠
Pythonic AI generation of images and videos
- Image Generation: Create with SDXL, Openjourney, OpenDalle, and many others.
- Generation Control: Exert detailed control over the generation process.
- Image Editing: Edit images with instructions.
- Image Upscaling: Add details to images.
- Video Generation: Turn images into videos.
- Image Captioning:
# on macOS, make sure rust is installed first
# be sure to use Python 3.10, Python 3.11 is not supported at the moment
pip install imaginairy
Image Generation
Image Generation Control
Guide the generation process by providing body poses, depth maps, canny edges, hed boundaries, normal maps, or even QR codes.
Body Pose Control
from imaginairy.api.generate import imagine
from imaginairy.schema import ImaginePrompt, ControlInput, LazyLoadingImage
image = LazyLoadingImage(filepath="assets/indiana.jpg")
control_mode = ControlInput(mode="openpose", image=image)
prompt = ImaginePrompt(prompt="photo of a polar bear", control_inputs=[control_mode], seed=1)
result = next(imagine(prompts=prompt))"assets/indiana-pose-polar-bear.jpg")
Canny Edge Control
from imaginairy.api.generate import imagine
from imaginairy.schema import ImaginePrompt, ControlInput, LazyLoadingImage
image = LazyLoadingImage(filepath="assets/lena.png")
control_mode = ControlInput(mode="canny", image=image)
prompt = ImaginePrompt(prompt="photo of a woman with a hat looking at the camera", control_inputs=[control_mode], seed=1)
result = next(imagine(prompts=prompt))"assets/lena-canny-generated.jpg")
HED Boundary Control
from imaginairy.api.generate import imagine
from imaginairy.schema import ImaginePrompt, ControlInput, LazyLoadingImage
image = LazyLoadingImage(filepath="assets/000032_337692011_PLMS40_PS7.5_a_photo_of_a_dog.jpg")
control_mode = ControlInput(mode="hed", image=image)
prompt = ImaginePrompt(prompt="photo of a dalmation", control_inputs=[control_mode], seed=1)
result = next(imagine(prompts=prompt))"assets/dog-hed-boundary-dalmation.jpg")
Depth Map Control
from imaginairy.api.generate import imagine
from imaginairy.schema import ImaginePrompt, ControlInput, LazyLoadingImage
image = LazyLoadingImage(filepath="assets/fancy-living.jpg")
control_mode = ControlInput(mode="depth", image=image)
prompt = ImaginePrompt(prompt="a modern living room", control_inputs=[control_mode], seed=1)
result = next(imagine(prompts=prompt))"assets/fancy-living-depth-generated.jpg")
Normal Map Control
from imaginairy.api.generate import imagine
from imaginairy.schema import ImaginePrompt, ControlInput, LazyLoadingImage
image = LazyLoadingImage(filepath="assets/013986_1_kdpmpp2m59_PS7.5_a_bluejay_[generated].jpg")
control_mode = ControlInput(mode="normal", image=image)
prompt = ImaginePrompt(prompt="a bird", control_inputs=[control_mode], seed=1)
result = next(imagine(prompts=prompt))"assets/bird-normal-generated.jpg")
Image Shuffle Control
Generates the image based on elements of the control image. Kind of similar to style transfer.
from imaginairy.api.generate import imagine
from imaginairy.schema import ImaginePrompt, ControlInput, LazyLoadingImage
image = LazyLoadingImage(filepath="assets/girl_with_a_pearl_earring.jpg")
control_mode = ControlInput(mode="shuffle", image=image)
prompt = ImaginePrompt(prompt="a clown", control_inputs=[control_mode], seed=1)
result = next(imagine(prompts=prompt))"assets/pearl_shuffle_clown_019331_1_kdpmpp2m15_PS7.5_img2img-0.0_a_clown.jpg")
The middle image is the "shuffled" input image
Editing Instructions Control
Similar to instructPix2Pix (below) but works with any SD 1.5 based model.
from imaginairy.api.generate import imagine
from imaginairy.schema import ImaginePrompt, ControlInput, LazyLoadingImage
image = LazyLoadingImage(filepath="assets/girl_with_a_pearl_earring.jpg")
control_mode = ControlInput(mode="edit", image=image)
prompts = [ImaginePrompt(prompt="make it anime", control_inputs=[control_mode], init_image_strength=0.01, steps=30, negative_prompt="", model_weights="openjourney-v2"),
ImaginePrompt(prompt="make it at the beach", control_inputs=[control_mode], init_image_strength=0.01, steps=30, negative_prompt="", model_weights="openjourney-v2")]
imagine_iterator = imagine(prompts=prompts)
result = next(imagine_iterator)"assets/pearl_anime_019537_521829407_kdpmpp2m30_PS9.0_img2img-0.01_make_it_anime.jpg")
result = next(imagine_iterator)"assets/pearl_beach_019561_862735879_kdpmpp2m30_PS7.0_img2img-0.01_make_it_at_the_beach.jpg")
Add Details Control (upscaling/super-resolution)
Replaces existing details in an image. Good to use with --init-image-strength 0.2
from imaginairy.api.generate import imagine
from imaginairy.schema import ImaginePrompt, ControlInput, LazyLoadingImage
image = LazyLoadingImage(filepath="assets/wishbone_headshot_badscale.jpg")
control_mode = ControlInput(mode="details", image=image)
prompt = ImaginePrompt(prompt="sharp focus, high-resolution", control_inputs=[control_mode], init_image_strength=0.2)
result = next(imagine(prompts=prompt))"assets/wishbone_headshot_details.jpg")
Image (re)Colorization (using brightness control)
Colorize black and white images or re-color existing images.
The generated colors will be applied back to the original image. You can either provide a caption or allow the tool to generate one for you.
Image Upscaling
Upscale images easily.
Upscaling uses Spandrel to make it easy to use different upscaling models.
You can view different integrated models by running aimg upscale --list-models
, and then use it with --upscale-model <model-name>
Also accepts url's if you want to upscale an image with a different model. Control the new file format/location with --format.